Thursday, 14 August 2014

Day 11 - My 10 favourite foods


Now, this one is my kinda thing. And here I go!

1. Mutton biryani. Kolkata style. With a boiled egg and a well-boiled potato.

2. Phuchka (not panipuri, not golgappa.)

3. Fish - almost all kinds. Name them, and I'll rank-order them for you. And yes, prawn inclusive.

4. Pork belly stew. Double fried pork. Pork of any kind, cooked of course.

5. Kathal (ripe jackfruit), lichu. Mango, if served in ready to eat manner.

6. Ghee- bhat. With thinly-cut crisply-fried alubhaja.

7. Machher dimer bora. Machher teler bora. Muttoner chorbir bora. (Sorry, can't be translated!)

8. Double egg double mutton roll. Double chicken will do as well.

9. Sea-food. If any of it has been excepted in point no. 3.

10. Desserts. Can't list!



  1. Buke aay ma, buke aay, I am convinced now that you are my soul sister :)

  2. Kichhu baad roylo ki? 😁

  3. uff! aj bujhlam, tomar sathe ato vaab kiser amar...akebarey meal er meel!! tar sathe temni haar jalano abdaar.." ready to eat manner" ...ha ha ha!

  4. Almost all have been mentioned. And that too in a more generic sense - like you have mentioned fish in general and not a particular fish or a preparation (e.g. u may not like shutki but has been included here), which may not be fair. The few that may still have got missed are 1) Luchi - Kosha Mangsho 2) Shukto? 3) Murighonto 4) Dumur 5) Lau chingri 6) Potoler non-veg dolma 7) chitaler muittha (not sure whether this can be considered within the generic fish or sea food) 8) payesh (again the problem with the generic dessert)


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