Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Itni si Haasi Itni si Khushi...

We didn't want to. We didn't know if we could manage to! And even when we had to, we didn't stop to train Roopkatha on it because, well, we didn't have time. We were instead rushing to our play rehearsal every day. We thought - we'll just let her be. So we did!

And here's what she did. And what... we did!

Friday, 16 October 2015

Five Reasons why you must attend the Sushant Lok Durga Puja Festivals!

This article has also been published in What's Up Life!Gurgaon Moms and Suburb magazine.

1.  “Atithi devo bhavaa”

Well, here’s an offer you cannot turn down. Sushant Lok Committee invites you to be a part of their celebrations for all days throughout the season. It is an unconditional invitation, and there are no costs or frills to it. Be their guest!!

Thursday, 15 October 2015

Dhopash's Diaper Days...

*This post is a part of the Pampers #SoftestForBabySkin activity at BlogAdda*

Casually, I was looking up the “Photo” and "Video" folders on my laptop, which is when I stopped upon these. Memories came rushing…

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

"What is Durga Puja?" - they had asked!

This article has also been published at The Speaking TreeYouthkiawaazWhatsupIndia, Gurgaon Moms and Women's Web!!

Now, strange things happen at times at most habitual moments. Like when they asked you to tell them "something about yourself" at your first job interview, and you looked blank. You did not know, until then, how difficult it could be to be asked to summarise your own self, in precise words and well-formed sentences, conclusively and sufficiently! You do not know where to start, what to carefully keep aside, what is just yours and not for the world to know, and what preciseness of the reply would fit the bill right, that is, to leave your audience engaged and pleased and to still be honest and at it. When confronted with casual curiosity, or even courtesy-calls, on something so damn close to you that you've grown up to belong to it or to be it yourself, it really gets bad. I know I am getting too gibberish for you to keep on reading this piece, especially in a season where you've so much to otherwise, and I duly apologise. Give me a chance to defend.

I'm just back from a very sudden going-total-blank-at-a-most-obvious-question situation at a non-Bong gathering. They casually, only slightly curiously, had just asked me one simple well-meaning question:

"What is Durga Puja?"

Monday, 12 October 2015

Mahalaya - The Homecoming!

Well, it was going to be Devipaksha soon, and so I wanted something nostalgic to the core, something sentimental to its brim. So, I thought and thought, and thought, and then I did what I always do - rob my brother. This time, I robbed him to author the first ever guest post on my blog. So, here's to a happy 200th to myself, and an emotional, nostalgic  few minutes of reading journey to each of you...

Mahalaya, the homecoming

Srijan Sengupta

Monday, 5 October 2015

Girls Are Not Any Superior To Boys!!

This article has also been published in Women's Web and a magazine.

Girls are not any superior to boys. Please, it’s important to emphasise and re-emphasise this.

Those regular status messages and those frequent Whats-app forwards that paint the town pink – that tearful letter from a father to his married daughter, that list of things woman leaves behind in marriage, surname, home and freedom to not cook food, to why is mother the next best creation, or wait, the best! No, don’t buy them. Don’t buy them at all!

Friday, 2 October 2015

The Bun in the Oven!!

This has also been published in World of Moms!

I often wonder - now that after four years plus of eventful parenting it all looks like a past as distant as if the rest of my life was not coherent but a past life – as to how did I, we, at all go about it? How did we come at it, at making her? At making our daughter - a blossoming fairytale that she is unfurling every day to be?